The owner will always write, and never read the others are listeners and never get to write back. There is a post buried that if you google-fu into it that explains "the owner of a NetworkView is the system that used Network.AllocateViewID() to create that views view id". That's all that is said on the subject in the docs. The flow goes from whom "owns the object" to the others. OnSerializeNetworkView is NOT a two-way street. The ones who have been with Unity for a long time probably know this, but these are not documented clearly enough for the new users. Other things that have apparently perplexed others that I also ran into regarding how OnSerializeNetworkView is called and it's order of operations.
Unity networkview overhead code#
This is one of those times when relying on the graphic drag-n-drop interface of Unity vs coding it fails without pictures simple verbiage and code examples doesn't cut it. Never would it occur to me (and others, apparently) that you can drag the component "title" header into a slot. The picker doesn't select components, only game objects. This is the only place I found that it mentions this, and the there is no "drop down" that I found. In the Network View documentation, under Choosing data to send, it says "You can select a Component from the drop-down, or you can drag any Component header directly to the variable". Re: mention of dragging component to the observer slot. Image 2: Select the component to drag to the slot Image 1: the Observed slot that needs corrected The resource picker for the Observed slot only lets you pick the GameObject, not its sub-components.
Unity networkview overhead pdf#
I've attached pictures inline to show this so that others who have gotten confused will understand better, because neither the documentation nor M2H's pdf discusses this at all, which is a major failing. What this person was referring to is the Component name in the Inspector - drag this into the Observed slot (aside: you can do this with any component attached to the GameObject, and yes you can have multiple Network Views that observe different components). There was a mention in passing to "drag the name of the script", which made no sense. The samples show that the script attached to the GameObject is being observed, so ergo, there must be a way. Several posts and Q&A topics had asked the same thing, and pretty much nobody was clear on what needs to be done, other than "drag the script over".

I was able to figure out why the OnSerializeNetworkView never gets called. View attachment $NetworkClientTest.zip View attachment $NetworkServerTest.zip What does it take/require that OnSerializeNetworkView is called on the client side?

The problem still remains that OnSerializeNetworkView is not getting called. From my understanding, OnSerializeNetworkView should be getting called at a constant rate as long as I have the Network View set up as unreliable. All three objects - client, server, prefab - have NetworkView components.Īll the client needs to be doing is send messages to the server. I do see over and over in both output logs "Sending generic state update, broadcast on, view ID 'SceneID: 1 Level Prefix: 0'". The client's OnSerializeNetworkView still never gets called. Both the server script and the prefab script have OnSerializeNetworkView - neither get called. The server project code has an RPC function that create a new object from a prefab. Right off the bat, it's screwy that I need to duplicate the function signature in the client code when it's never going to be called. Okay, I modified the client project to send an RPC command to the server.